This study is a description of relationships between clinicians and visible minority patients in outpatient palliative care in Canada. We know the relationship between clinicians and patients can promote healing and well-being, but we know little about the qualities and experiences of these relationships from the patient perspective. We also know that patients from visible minority backgrounds face many challenges when receiving healthcare and that their positive experience of relationships is especially important.
We would like to understand the nature of clinician-patient relationships in the context of serious illness and from the perspective of visible minority groups. This study aims to explore qualities of relationships that these patients consider important. Eligible patients would complete a 45–60-minute audio-recorded interview. The findings of this study can contribute to best practices for improving patient experiences in healthcare settings.
This project has been funded by a contribution from Health Canada, Health Care Policy and Strategies Program. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.
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